Notices from the discipline committee
The Discipline Committee is responsible for imposing penalties on brokers or agencies found guilty of a violation of the Real Estate Brokerage Act. Following the disciplinary hearing, the offender could receive various penalties, including suspension or revocation of his licence, or the imposition of conditions or restrictions.
Where this is the case, a notice of decision by the Committee must be published in an official publication of the OACIQ or on its website. Furthermore, the Discipline Committee may decide to have a notice of its decision published in a local newspaper of the area where the licence holder’s establishment is located.
It is important to know that these notices are removed from the OACIQ website as soon as the period during which the measure was in effect (suspension, restriction, revocation, imposition of conditions, etc.) is over.
The Real Estate Brokerage Act and its regulations that were in force before May 1, 2010 required that the notices of certificate (now called licence) suspension refer to the place of practice of the person concerned at the time the suspension of his certificate took place or, if not, to his last place of practice. This “place of practice’’ represented the area where the broker (now called agency) that employed or authorized the person to act on its behalf or, if not, the area where the last broker (now called agency) that employed or authorized him to act on its behalf
was located.
Therefore, in the notices published before May 1, 2010, the reference to the broker (now called agency) that employed or authorized the person, referred to in the notice at the time of its publication, to act on its behalf does not necessarily imply that the licence holder was employed or authorized to act on behalf of this broker (now called agency) at the time he committed the offences for which he was found guilty.
Section 94 of the Regulation respecting brokerage requirements, professional conduct of brokers and advertising prohibits brokers or agency executive officers from using a decision rendered by the Discipline Committee for the purpose of harming a licence holder. In addition, because more than one person can have the same name, we recommend that you consult the Register of licence holders to verify the identity of persons who have been the subject of disciplinary penalties.
Notices of licence suspension or revocation or imposition of conditions or restrictions on a licence.
Boisrond, Carlos A.
Notice of suspension and imposition of restrictions or conditions
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